Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Bloggy Beginnings

The Top Reasons I Have Started a Blog:

1. I have very important things to tell the world. Things like how to get hair dye off of your wall in the bathroom and how to trick a ninth grader into reading a book. I am pretty much really smart.

2. I want to lose weight. I know that doesn't really explain why I want to start a blog, but I find it is always the second thing I tell someone. Thought I would just stay consistent.

3. I read people's blogs and think, "I could do that. I am way funnier than s/he is. I mean, if they can get a book deal, anyone can. Come on." Then, I watch another episode of Jerseylicious.

4. I need something to do while my husband watches ___________ball. Fill in the blank with whatever type of sport you can imagine - basket, foot, base, or hockey. I know that hockey isn't played with a ball, but he watches it, too.

5. I get annoyed when people use your for you're and their for there. I thought I would be a great example for the blogging world on how to use correct grammar in they're blogs. (Did you catch it?) Let it be stated now and forever that any grammar mistake that I make is simply to keep you on your toes and to remind you that I am better.

6. I want to make a bloggy friend or two so that I have somewhere to stay on vacation.

So, 6 reasons is all I can come up with for now. I will be back at some point.

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