Sunday, October 17, 2010

Party Do's and Don'ts...

For our wedding gift, a great friend of mine purchased us a subscription to House Beautiful magazine. My November issue recently arrived in the mail, and I waited to crack it open as I soaked in a long, hot bath. I was excited to read the 101 Party Do's and Don'ts.

Let me explain something for a moment. My husband is "going in view of a call" to be the senior pastor of a small town, Southern Baptist Church next Sunday. That is Baptist for going on a Sunday morning audition, and then the church votes later that evening. It seems that everything should go smoothly. This would mean that I would become a pastor's wife.

If you know me, this is somewhat hysterical. No, I am not a tattooed ex-woman-of-the-night who spent time in the clink for killing someone or anything (not that if you are that means you cannot be a pastor's wife, but you know what I mean). However, I do not meet soft spoken, hair in a bun, denim jumper owner, piano player, casserole baker stereotype. I am more of the loud laughing, joke cracking, high heel wearing, reality TV show watching kind of lady.

That being said, I have decided that the best thing I could do was become a great hostess! Pastor's wives should be great at that right? I can have deacons and members to my home for dinner, right? So, I thought that my magazine article on party planning would become a handy little go-to guide.

I. Was. Wrong.

Who plans parties like this? I mean, is it not enough to make a good meal, serve great iced tea, and play a good game of Catch Phrase? Apparently not. I must change all the light bulbs in my home to soft pink ones so that everyone looks good in the lighting. I must also make sure that I have enough choices of alcohol so all of my guests are happy, (Read in an ironic tone - "Because the deacons love a good martini.")

I also have to put individual guest napkins in the powder room because no one likes to use the same hand towel. Well, sure, I am sure that is true. However, I am also not supposed to use paper anything, ever. So, where do I get these individual napkins? Am I a total bumpkin?

Well... I guess I better start learning to play the piano.

~ Steph ~

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